Categories: Mad As Hell, Green, Culture, International, Health, Navel Gazing, Mind Candy, Mellow Tunes, Damn Noise, Moving Pictures
Mad As Hell
Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do: The Absurdity Of Consensual Crimes In Our Free Country The case for keeping government out of the morality business.
Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal Where hamburgers
come from, and other things you shouldn't discuss at the table.
Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos
Sarcastic Texas populist Jim Hightower on the rise of corporatism, and
what people are doing about it.
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to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things Beyond recycling to sustainable
reuse. Author William McDonough envisions industrial processes designed to mimic natural processes, where waste is simply regarded as misplaced resources.
Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution How to have an economy and a clean planet at the same time.
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on Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales Oliver Sacks explores the workings
of the mind through these stories of people whose minds work a little
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies How botany, climate, geography, and livestock shaped human history.
Feminine Mystique The feminist classic. A reminder not to take modern
freedoms for granted, nor to get angry about the past.
Prehistory of Sex: Four Million Years of Human Sexual Culture The
ultimate answer to people who think that sex was invented recently.
Work: The First 20,000 Years: Women, Cloth, and Society in Early Times
A surprisingly engaging history of textiles and the people who made them.
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to the Poor: Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty The
story of how an economics professor started the microcredit movement in
The Costs and Consequences of American Empire The sordid tale of US
involvement in Asia.
and Its Discontents Nobel Prize winner and former World Bank economist
Joseph Stiglitz on why the World Bank and International Monetary Fund
have become global rallying cries for protest.
from the East: Portrait of a Rising Asia Written in the aftermath
of the Asian financial crisis, this book is a decent, on-the-ground, cultural
snapshot of the major Asian nations.
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Allergies and Food Intolerance: The Complete Guide to Their Identification
and Treatment Migraines, joint pain, digestive trouble, insomnia,
and even irritability can sometimes be caused by the food you're eating.
Food intolerance can affect the body in subtle, non-obvious ways. For
every person that breaks out immediately when exposed to strawberries,
there are many more who might feel achy a few hours after they have wheat
or tomatoes. It sounds a little out there, but for some people it's a
solution to years worth of frustrating medical dead ends.
for Nutritional Healing: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies
Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Food Supplements Very detailed,
informative. Worth a try if you like this sort of thing.
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Navel Gazing
Yourself Sane: Using the Uncommon Sense of General Semantics A way
out of the hypnosis of our common tongue. Far more accessible than the
out of print "Science and Sanity."
Search of the Miraculous: The Definitive Exploration of G. I. Gurdjieff's
Mystical Thought and Universal View A unique Western esoteric tradition.
Psychology of Fascism This book is mostly about sex and religion,
the facets of human experience that leave us most vulnerable to authoritarianism.
Once, the US government banned and burned this book (true), now it's merely
Discordia, or, how I Found Goddess and What I Did to Her when I Found
Her The original guerilla ontology manual. Voted "Book most likely
to be lost in mysterious circumstances."
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Mind Candy
the Truth Shall Set You Free: The most explosive book of the 20th century
Because conspiracy theorizing is an underrated form of entertainment.
This is quality paranoia, especially enjoyable for political junkies who
are up on their globalization activism.
Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch Terry
Pratchett and Neil Gaiman co-authored this book, hence both funny and
Guy Gavriel Kay is a fantasy writer with a grounding in myth and history
that allows him to create highly textured stories. Enjoy Lions
of Al Rassan, Song
for Arbonne, the Byzantine themed Sarantine Mosaic books Sailing
to Sarantium and Lord
of Emperors, and the Celtic influenced Fionavar Tapestry trilogy,
Summer Tree, Vol. 1, 
The Wandering Fire, Vol. 2, and The Darkest Road, Vol. 3.
Asleep in Frog Pajamas Tim Robbins has his moments, this book is one
of them.
Brood Octavia Butler's complete interspecies romance trilogy: Dawn,
Adulthood Rites, and Imago.
The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West Gregory Maguire
takes us through an Oz that would have L. Frank Baum spinning in his grave.
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Mellow Tunes
Ray The song 'Displaced' was featured in BTVS, Season 6. The rest
of the album was a pleasant surprise.
Bob Dylan The good stuff from all the albums I'm too cheap to collect,
and the fairly new 'Not Dark Yet' and 'Things Have Changed.'
Paul Simon: Graceland, Rhythm of the Saints, and the Concert in Central Park with that blonde guy.
Dream: The Very Best of Crowded House There are several favorites
on this album, and nothing that compels me to skip it. Hopeful and romantic.
to Philadelphia Mark Knopfler's latest, with the very interesting
'What It Is' and an eclectic mix of largely good songs for feeling restless.
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Damn Noise
Deluxe Rob Zombie and the original version of 'Dragula' from the Matrix
soundtrack. If you liked that song, you'll like the rest of the album.
Animals Marilyn Manson does his best to instill a deep-seated and
pretentious dissatisfaction with the world.
Case of Overbombing: Greatest Hits, Vol. 1 Sisters of Mercy, less
pretentious and more danceable than Marilyn Manson.
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Moving Pictures
DVD Collection Politics and business explained in full.
VHS Collection Because you should watch the whole thing, even if you
don't have a DVD player.
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